Judge Pamela J. Baker

Division A


Judicial Assistant - Jennifer Browning
(225) 389-4676 ext.1; jbrowning@familycourt.org

Court Reporter - Katie Rogillio
(225) 389-4676 ext.2; krogillio@familycourt.org

Staff Attorney - Amy Poindexter (225) 389-4676 ext.3; apoindexter@familycourt.org

Fax Number - (225) 389-4952


To schedule (1) Rule to show cause, (2) Pre-Rule Status Conference, (3) Status Conference, and (4) Confirmations of divorce, utilize Division A - Judge Baker's online calendar system. You must follow the specific instructions listed under each category.

Click here to schedule dates: https://calendly.com/pbaker-a

Hon. Pamela J. Baker is Judge of Division A of The Family Court in and for the Parish of East Baton Rouge.    She took office on January 1, 2007. Judge Baker received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Louisiana State University in 1981, and her Juris Doctor degree from LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center in 1984.  Prior to her election to the bench, Judge Baker was in private practice for 21 years with the firm of Saltamachia & Baker, where her practice consisted primarily of family law cases. 

Judge Baker is a past president of the Louisiana Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Association and currently serves on the Law Institute Commission as that association’s appointee.  She is the immediate past president of the First Circuit Judges Association.  Judge Baker has served on the Judicial Council of the Supreme Court of Louisiana since January 1, 2017, with her term ending on December 31, 2022.  She is currently serving on the Louisiana Supreme Court Technology Commission. 

Judge Baker is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Judicial Education Curriculum Project, a project of the La. Supreme Court's Protective Order Registry. She is a member of the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice Victim Services Advisory Board.

Judge Baker is a past chair of the Family Law Section of the Baton Rouge Bar Association and a past president of the Louisiana Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.